>User-Agent: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 5.0 (1513)
>Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:57:33 -0500
>Subject: Re: NTLK CDMA Data and Qualcomm 860 Phone
>From: Doug Fuss <douglas.fuss.pc.86@aya.yale.edu>
>To: "Michael J. Franclemont" <mf090@cvip.fresno.com>
> > Could you email the GSM/Ericsson driver to me?
>It can be found at: <http://www.sunder.net/newtonmad/modemdrv/>
>BTW, why?
>An update to my last posting: Along with Qualcomm's help we modified the
>GSM/Ericsson setup using Modem Modifier to connect at 19200 only and changed
>the "Config. String EC Only" to ATE1V1Q0X4&C1&D2 and that seems to do
>everything well (dialing, creating the handshake) except connecting. We now
>think that my service provider, Prodigy.net, doesn't allow connections below
>28.8. Do any of you use Prodigy at 14.4 or 19.2? If not, can someone
>recommend a US national provider with 14.4 or 19.2 connections?
>Thanks everyone, Doug
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