Hi all,
P&M Consulting Newton Program is pleased to announce alt.rec.... 0.6a1.
It can be downloaded from:
What's new?
All the previous implementation has been changed. However, alt.rec....
seems to behave exactly the same than version 0.5a3.
So why should you update?
Because this new implementation removes all previous compatibility bugs.
There is no reason for alt.rec.... not to works with any software now, for
it is *really* clean (at least transparent). The only incompatibility is
when the software has its own correction popup (as with NewtWorks),
alt.rec.... cannot shows its own.
Bugs that are definitively fixed:
-+ incompatibility with Avi's Backdrop in case of crash (although, Avi's BD
is still so dirty)
-+ incompatibility with the system correct slip
Bugs that are probably fixed:
-+ incompatiblity with SuperNotes (I don't use it, so I can't tell)
Of course, this is mere speculation. And this version probably include some
new bugs.... As usual, be very careful with it.
Improvements in next version will include:
a) a better intelligent system for words elections (just the interface is
missing actually)
b) a better spell checking mechanism (I'll try to make it on the fly, if
Paul Guyot
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