Hi all,
after I sold my first Newton I too considered the Psion, especially the
newer 5MX. Great design, expandable, built in keyboard..etc, it would
appear that this would be a suitable alternative to the Newton. However,
wait till you try to synch it to your Mac!!! Psion has a dinky little
software called MacConnect, but that allows you to transfer only text to and
from the Psion. No synching of dates and phone book entries at all..
Also, you would need to get a PC card adapter if you are planning to hook up
to the internet, either that or get Psion's own plug in modem. A cooler,
but way slower, method would be to use an IR modem capable cellphone, like
the Nokia 8810 or almost any Ericsson ones with their plug in module..
No built-in handwriting engine, one has to get it from a third party. Memory
cards are CF, so all our investment in Type II cards are kinda wasted..
All in all, the Psion might be an alternative for users of Windoze (even the
display is windoze-like!!), but Mac users face quite a daunting gap in terms
of software..
In the end, I settled for a Palm V, with an 8MB upgrade. For those of you
thinking of getting this, I would suggest that you think about your needs
before you do so. Connection to the web is not as simple as it is on the
Newt. If all you need is a very useful and compact scheduler and organiser,
then the PV is the one for you. Its got a wonderful screen, brilliantly
sensitive!! Coming back to the Newton, I was surprised at the amount of
force I needed to write accurately..
But be warned, you might find that the screen is just a little bit too
small!! Dont even think that you're be able to edit a doc on the fly, save
your eyesight...
Just letting you all know the issues I faced when researching these
> From: Time n - Lists <lists@timen.com>
> Reply-To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
> Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 13:15:20 +1100
> To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
> Subject: NTLK Psion compared with Palm
> Whilst I cringe at the thought of it, one day my/our Newtons may give up the
> ghost. People tend to think Palm when replacing their Newton but what of the
> Psion? Is this more like the Newton than the Palm given it's screen size and
> keyboard or am I completely off tap here.
> Just a thought...
> Nick.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nick Howard
> http://www.timen.com
> Time n: A non-spatial continuum in which events occur in apparently
> irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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