Re: NTLK SIMCITY Classic for Newton?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 11:48:46 EST

thomas wrote:

> I have downloaded the source code and the English translation file (thanks
> to mi(c)i) for Remote Town (SimCity) and I am preparing to make a new
> version for us. If any of you would like to suggest any changes then let me
> know and I will see what I can do. Some of the changes that I would like to
> implement are as follows:
> 1: A 130 version with 1 bit graphics, all other features would be the same.
> 2: Program will minimize into the star menu
> 3: Longer game play, 22 years is to short
> 4: More cash when you start the game.
> 5: A 'Place' button so you do not have to try to do a double tap.
> 6: English instructions and tips.
> Like I said, send me your ideas for changes, and send them to NTLK so that
> we can debate which ones we like the most. Do keep in mind that I am a
> college student and I am on willing to work on this little project over the
> Christmas break, so keep your suggestions simple.

Wow! We're going to have 3 different versions of the same software! Talk about
having the choice!

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate                       Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266   
Fax:   703-833-7555                           Usual disclaimers apply

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