NTLK OTHER: Call For Testers!

From: Laurent Daudelin (laurent_daudelin@fanniemae.com)
Date: Mon Dec 13 1999 - 13:30:44 EST

That's finally the day! After months and months of spare time work on my
application, I think it's ready for beta test.

The application is a grocery list application, best used when you do
your shopping at the grocery store *WITH* your Newton. The application
lets you save a bunch of information about any product you enter. You
can then sort them out in the order you want. Specifically, you can sort
the products according to the layout of the grocery store you go, which
saves a lot of time, believe me!

Then, with a single tap of the pen, you can mark the products you find,
keeping only those that you're looking for. There is also a price
comparator which lets you quickly get the price for a given format, so
you can compare which product is more advantegeous.

Anyway, you can get some details and screen shots at:


The application is called "NewtGrocery". I'm looking for less than 10
testers, so first come, first serve. I'm also looking for people with
MessagePad 120, 130, 2x00 and eMate, as the application is 2.x. The
initial testing period will be for about one month, and then the
application will expired.

Before replying, you need to make sure you're going to use it! If you
don't think you're going to go to the grocery store, then this
application is probably not for you. You also need to know that there
will be some data input the first time you're using it, so think about
this twice. And after reading this, if you think you can do hit, then
after hitting "Reply", make sure you change the "To:" address to
<mailto:nemesys@ix.netcom.com>. If you reply to this email address,
that's not going to make you any good, as it is my work email address.
You also need to put "beta newtgrocery" in the subject field, or your
message might be ignored.

Any question are welcome to the list.


PS: Fannie Mae has nothing to do with this. This is STRICLY a personal project. Besides, Fannie Mae is in the business of mortgages, which has little to do with grocery stores... ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com Fax: 703-833-7555 Usual disclaimers apply

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