NTLK Re: New to NEWT

From: Gruendel, Frank 3837 PPE-WT (Frank.Gruendel@de.heidelberg.com)
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 12:25:17 EST

> I just bought a MP120 with NOS 1.3 and need to know two things.
> 1) How do you get this thing to talk to a PC. I have tried using NBU.

Guess you've read this two dozen times by now, but just in case:

I'm not sure NBU works with OS 1.3 Newtons. I dimly remember I used it to
backup my OS 1.3 Newton before doing the upgrade and to restore it after
doing so. Never tried the other direction.
I'd recommend to use the Newton Connection Utilities as this
was Apple's communication tool before OS 2 came.
>does not seem to work at all. <snip>

What kind of cable are you using?

> 2) My other problem is that I am running NOS 1.3 and want to upgrade
>is this possible through a software upgrade once I can get problem #1 fixed
>or do I have to do some sort of hardware upgrade.

It is a hardware upgrade. You have to remove the back of the MP's case, pull
out a small printed circuit board and replace by a new one. No big deal, for
a detailed (german) pictured instruction of how to do this see


>And if this IS only
>capable through a hardware upgrade where can this be done?

You'll have problems getting the ROM board anywhere. Your best chance would
probably be to buy a broken 120 that has the board.

>I have been real happy with my NEWT but would like to be able to do more
>with it. I am really excited about being able to read with it. I have found
>so many books online its amazing.

If reading is all you want to do, this wouldn't require the os update, I

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