NTLK Re: Uncontrollable Squiggles

From: James Pelton (j-pelton@nwu.edu)
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 10:44:05 EST

> I said this based upon my assumption that what we are looking for is some sort of
> corrupted file. Obviously, since it is burned into the chip, the ROM can't get
> corrupted. But your point is a good one that if the problem is that something is
> incompatible with something else, then one of those somethings could certainly be the
> ROM.

It could also be not one of incompatibility but, rather, of an unusual
sequence of events.

> It may be useful to
> take a survey of people suffering from the Squiggles to see if there is one piece of
> software that we all have in common.

Indeed, particularly the people with two newts where only one has a

> Your ideas on how to further investigate the problem sound intriguing.

One thing I learned is that there are people with two Newtons who
experience the problem only on one of them -- this suggests to me that
we can eliminate environmental factors, such as humidity, typical
handling, an individual's resistance to static electricity, etc. I hoped
this would have been the answer, but sadly, no.

> Also, if you haven't already seen it, Paul Guyot's 12/19 response to my post on
> comp.sys.newton.programmer suggested a possible way to test whether the problem is
> related to the pen alignment software. He offered to put together a little package which
> might act as a squiggle bug catcher.

I saw that -- very interesting!

james pelton
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