RE: NTLK Fastest MP2000 in the world ?

From: Yoshiyuki Hashimoto (
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 19:52:43 EST

> Are you sure it is 241 Mhz and not 220?

I clocked up it by myself, not by PIXSolution.
I once tried 263MHz. When I switched on, opening message came up, then

> My upgrade by PIXSolution is 220 Mhz and I have no problem accessing any

There was no problem accessing cards when I tried 220.
There must be a boarder line between 220 and 241.

> Can you access your Card at 162 Mhz?

Yeah. My MP2K can run both 162 and 241 but it is bother to switch everytime
I reset my MP2K or
insert card.

The better answer is to use my MP2K at 220, I guess :-)
Thanks anyway.


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