On 1/5/00 3:16 AM, Andy Reed [mailto:farmd@umich.edu] wrote:
>> I dump my data over to the Palm occasionally, and it's always in my shirt
>> pocket.
>I would like to do the same thing, keep using my Newton but also have a
>Palm device to carry at times when the Newton is too big (like on dates
>with my wife - I think she's afraid I love my Newton more than her!). I
>bought a Visor for that purpose, but I haven't figured out how to put the
>Newton info into the Palm OS. Any tips?
>Andy Reed
I use a Mac. Palm Desktop for Mac is a rebadged Claris Organizer 2.0,
one of the format Newton Connection Utilities (NCU) will export or sync
You can either do an outgoing sync to dump your data down to your Palm or
export from NCU and import or merge the data into your Palm Desktop file.
Note that the Palm Desktop file your Palm or Visor hotsyncs with is
normally kept open by the Palm Desktop extension that adds the little
menu at the right side of your menu bar with your current schedule.
You'll want to create a SECOND Palm Desktop file and switch to it when
you try to use NCU to sync to your main Palm desktop file, then switch
back when NCU is done.
I successsfully used a variety of the above methods, and have dumped data
down to the Palm from my Newton. The palm and Palm Desktop's apps are
not as flexible as Newton, so you may have to do major or minor cleanup
and learn the limitations of the Palm in order to transfer ALL your data.
I have yet to try synching BOTH WAYS (ie from Palm back to Newton)
because my Newton data needs major, major, major cleanup so that I won't
lose data when transferring to Palm and I just don't have the time right
now to do it. Nor am I in a big rush to switch to Palm, anyway...but I
think eventually when my two Newton's finally die, that's the way I'll
go. SO I wanted to some experience.
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