Re: NTLK Re: newtontalk V1 #204

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 02:47:24 EST

On 1/4/00 8:21 PM, markr13 [] wrote:

>>>I am now working In an NT environment and appletalk is no longer available.
>>>Will I be able to get my MP2lOO to print?
>>Complain to your IT people about turning off AppleTalk. There's no good
>>reason or excuse for that. They are supposed to support YOU, not inhibit
>>you. Turning off AppleTalk is a network manager being tyrannical, not
>Good luck!! Our IT folks act like the Dilbert "Modack, The Preventor of
>Information Services". We have a Novell network and have paid for the
>Mac network options but they absolutely refuse to turn it on because, "We
>don't support Macs". Now, with OS-9, Mac users are running our own
>network and file sharing over TCP/IP.

Yep, when all else fails, end-run the IT guys (hey, I'm an IT guy, I'm
allowed to say that!)

I'd like to see 'em try and turn off TCP/IP support! ;-) Gotcha, Modack!

Gotta love Apple for adding TCP/IP support to filesharing and FTP support
to the desktop (finally) in MacOS9. And diskette compatibility and file
exchange and translation to the OS, etc.

 - Bill

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