Re: NTLK modem and Newton

From: Darl Singh (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 02:51:01 EST

FWIW, I know the directors -and 'brains trust' of SBI (trategic Business Innovations) - an
(ex) Newt developer Co.

As CDMA is coming out over here (New Zealand), its possible they would be interested in
developing *small* applications again for the Newt, given enough interest - eg phone
drivers as below, etc.

If there's enough interest (and $$ - these guys are doing other things now, so would ned
something to compensate them!), I could approach them and see if they're interested......

I'm pretty certain they wouldn't be into doing anything major - too many other projects

Still, anyt comments or thoughts?

All the best,

> CDMA data also allows you to connect to the net using the phone as a modem
> (sort of) through your PC (or, if we can get it to work, Newton) serial
> port. Actually, in this configuration the phone isn't a modem but a very
> long serial cable, connecting to a modem pool on the network side
>Unfortunately cables, drivers and connection software are not
> available for Mac or Newton.
rry about the long response, but I really want to get this to work! Maybe
> we can do it together!

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