Re: NTLK I'm new here, where can i get Newton Works

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 13:20:30 EST

Edward CJ Amit wrote:

> I have just received a MP2000 from my company. Apparently it has been
> buried a few years in a closet and very lonely and sad. The owners of the
> company purchased it when it first came out but coulsn't make it go, and
> just put it away. So now I get to have it :)!!! but since they have had it
> and now, some thgs must have happened to it.
> I can't seem to access Newton Works
> I can't find the extras box
> (i think it is the background page though)
> I have a modem card (Megahertz v.34 PC card w/ XJACK connector)
> but can't access the web. I've been trying but the configurations that I
> keep trying don't go through and our current MIS guy doesn't know
> macintosh and can't figure all the stuff that I need.
> I have a bunch of things on here like the Newton Internet, NIE Modem &
> Serial, Farallon Enet, NIE Ethernet Module, and EnRoute Internet. I
> just can't seem to get them to go or know how or what they do.
> I also have the Newton Connections Utility but it seems to have expired,
> but if I change the date on the computer, it seems to work okay...
> Any help to help me get up to speed would be great.

Hoola! Lot of questions! I would suggest that you try to read the FAQ
<>, then, if you still have some unanswered questions, just ask
here and we'll be glad to help.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
Fax: 703-833-7555 Usual disclaimers apply

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