Re: NTLK IS it possible, WIll Apple Resu.

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 22:05:13 EST

>Why is it so hard for some people to acknowledge that Apple really *did* need to narrow its' product focus to get the company back on track? Why does there need to be any more to it than that reason?

Whoa, uhhh, how 'bout the 'fact'
 that 'Newton' WAS spun-off!?!
How 'bout the fact Sharp had 'color' LCD's going into testing phase!?!
How 'bout the fact that sales finally reached sustainable levels, including the 'much-sought-after' eMate!?!
Even the 'other' Steve didn't agree with Newton's untimely death.

Apple is Apple,

Newton-Inc. could've been Newton-Inc!


!ooW %-)
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