Re: NTLK Bringing back the Newton?

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 14:38:26 EST

>I do know one thing for sure. NewtonOS has CLEANED UP my handwriting.
>Anyone else who agrees with me, raise your hand!

I write so badly when I write fast that people are impressed that my Newton
recognizes my HW so well.

BTW Folks, if you want to read Apple's technical information about Rosetta,
all this stuff can be found at:

(if they removed all this stuff, I have it all on my HD)

There are many things that can improve it, and you don't really need to be
in the top researchers to know that, although it is rather new. Hence some
commercial product may come and replace Graffiti & Rosetta. Voice
recognition also improved a lot these last months.

BTW, Newton specificity is not Rosetta, even if it plays a great role for
market. It is so different from other products which reached the market
that it cannot be destroyed as is. Once we'll all get tired of Linux and
other antiquities (MacOS, Windoze) we'll remember NewtonOS.



P&M Consulting Newton Program

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