NTLK A faint glimmer of hope

From: Kiran Wagle (entropy@io.com)
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 04:54:49 EST

The new COO of Be, Inc. is Steve Sakoman. According to the press
release, "Mr. Sakoman also started and managed the Newton development

I've used BeOS, and it's way cool--worth buying used multiprocessor
PowerPC hardware to run (it also runs on high-end Intel server
hardware and on single-procesor PPCs, but was designed for the
multi-processor PPCs.)

If any company could make a handheld computer as cool as the Newton, Be is it.

~ Kiran <entropy@io.com>

  <http://www.io.com/contradance/> 1628 5th St NW Wash DC 20001 (202) 483-3373
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