NTLK FileMaker Pro for Newton?

From: Ed Garay (garay2@uic.edu)
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 01:29:48 EST

Not long ago, I spoke to a FileMaker Pro (FMP) engineer
who told me they had a Newton version of FileMaker pro
just when !@# Jobs killed our beloved pal.

The FMP fellow had just finished a presentation on FMP 5,
and I asked him if he knew if Balcones or FilePad could
handle FileMaker Pro (Version 3 or 4) databases.

He told me what they had, and that their FMP for Newton
never hit the market, but that he would gladly send me
a CD (Windows or Mac). He never did. :( So much for me
endorsing FMP on campus... :(

Anyway, has anyone on the list seen FileMaker Pro for the
Newton? Is it available somewhere?

If not, does anybody know of any Newton database app that
can read/write/interoperate with FileMaker Pro on Windows
or Mac? I use version 5, but could easily downgrade to
version 4 or less if that would get my FMP databases
in my infocentric pocket.

--- Ed (Chicago)
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