Re: NTLK Password programs

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 01:47:35 EST

On 1/19/2000 10:05 AM, Filmer, Paul E [] wrote:

>passKeep from Sine of the Times has worked fine for me - it also exports to
>Notes, so I keep a printed copy in a fire safe.

Thanks for the tip; I'll have to look at that one; gotta be some way to
export the data and GeekSafe didn't have it) Let's hope it's even still

Just checked. The demo is still downloadable but it expired in September
of last year, and they are no longer taking orders according to the site.
 So this is not a viable option any longer until they release them to the
public (as they say they are going to sometime later this year.)

Pity, looks like an outstanding product. Thanks anyway.

>Regarding losing your PIN during a Hard Reset - yes of course it's lost -
>but so is all the rest of your data. When you re-install the system soup
>everything comes back, including the Security Prefs.

Ah...but is data on your CARDS lost in a hard reset? As far as I know
it's not (god, I hope not!) so that's still a definite security problem.
(I'd still prefer the password not be lost on a hard reset so that it's
harder to steal. Of course, the thief probably won't know about a hard
reset, but just in case....)

 - Bill

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