Re: NTLK New eMate for free if you know someone...

From: Peter Cross (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 21:03:12 EST

Just for my $.02 (CDN). From my read, If NewtonOz got a job offer at
Disneyland Resort, he owes you an E-mate. The key phrase I think is..

" that results in a job offer "

SO.... Did Oz get an offer ?

FireSuit On and Ready.

on 1/20/00 1:32 AM, Myq Larson at wrote:

> Where does it say that person knows me? Yon asked for contact info that
> would lead to a job. I just want you to realize that you should think out
> what you are writting before you offer something like this. Good luck with
> your job search anyway.
> On Tue, 09 Nov 1999 09:02:23 -0800, NewtonOz wrote:
>> Hi, Newtoneers!
>> Here's a challenge for you...
>> Whoever can get me in contact with someone at Disneyland Resort in
>> Anaheim that results in a job offer gets a free eMate with all the
>> trimmings as well as a lifetime 20% discount on most items.
>> Okay, get out your names package... and call them contacts!
>> BTW: Don't think this means I'm leaving the community. I'd like to change
>> my day job!
>> eM@il for info.
>> -Oz
>> -The Folks at NewtonOz Items
>> (818) 781 9391
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>> 7PM to 11:30PM Pacific Standard Time
>> Sunday through Thursday
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