NTLK IrDa / NCU Possible Some Day ? ! ? Voice Your Support Now ! ! !

From: DrNewton (DrNewton@kc.net)
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 22:24:22 EST

Fellow NewtonTalkers,

I read the following thread on smaller.com :


It seems that a company called "Small Dog Software" has created a product
called "Back Talk" that provides industry-accepted IrDA IrOBEX protocol
support for the Newton 2x00 platform !

WOW ! ! !

See : http://www.smartdogsw.com/news/backtalk.shtml

With this you can exchange data with Palm Pilots, WinCE devices and the HP
CapShare 910 / 920 handheld scanner .

What is very important about this development is that Smart Dog Software
states on their Back Talk FAQ page that they are considering support for
IrDA IrCOMM ! ! !

See : http://www.smartdogsw.com/backtalk/faq.shtml

NOW is the time for all good Newton 2x00 users to stand up and be counted
 by Smart Dog ! ).

I urge you all to e-mail Smart Dog and show your interest in such software !

Contact : smartdog@smartdogsw.com

Regarding an IrDA serial port adapter for your desktop....

A company called ACTiSYS http://www.actisys.com produces a device
called the ACT-IR100S that supports IrCOMM.

See : http://www.actisys.com/InstantIR.html

Unless I'm terribly mistaken, this device and the software that Smart Dog
might develop could allow us to have what we have all wished for, cable-less
connection to our desktop systems ! Forget the "dongle" ! ! !

Wooo - Hooo !

Best Regards,
David Watson

A.K.A. "Dr. Newton", "Digital Ocean Dave"
Kansas City, Missouri
Provider of the MP2000 Upgrade and certain repairs.

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