NTLK NEED HELP with Newton Tool Kit

From: Greg Goodwin (drclu@swbell.net)
Date: Fri Jan 28 2000 - 19:16:58 EST

Greetings folks, I would seriously like to get
more involved in programming for the Newton, and with
the right amount of tinkering I will get there.

     I tried following the instructions on how to make
a .MOD file with the Macintosh Newton Toolkit and
FAILED MISERABLY. :) It was then that I realized I
need a brief introduction into the concept of this
development software and I should do alright.

    So I would greatly appreciate it if someone versed
in the basics of the Macintosh Newton toolkit (and
maybe even who has made a MOD file) could let me know
in private a number they can be reached at and a good
time to call them for a brief "tutoring" session.
(probably no more than 20-30 minutes.)

    Thanks in advance,
    Doctor Clu
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