Re: NTLK Syching to Outlook

Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 16:25:39 CDT

I am successfully using Outlink 1.06 (desktop) to synch with my UMP2000
(version 1.05 on the Newt). The latest version can be downloaded from the
PDADirect site ( as a free upgrade to Outlink 1.04. The
settings need to be set to "Newton always wins" and "perform all deletions
automatically". Anything else results in duplicate entries, a real pain with
the huge name list I use.

I am using Outlink to synchronize my UMP2000 with my husbands UMP2000 on a
Windows 98 PC running Outlook 2000. To dos seem to duplicate so I have
elected the option of not synching them. I use MoreInfo, Dashboard and
Affiliate Plus.

Outlink takes the affiliates name and makes a person entry for them which
does not appear in Outlook, but does appear in alphabetical order by first
name (often the only name I have entered) at the beginning of the name list
on my MP.

Powerlinks (a great feature of MI allowing a name card to be linked with
another name card) do not appear in Outlook and are not transferred to the
other MP. Annual events seem to be returned as non-repeating events, but can
easily be edited into an annual event again.

I am still experimenting with the synching to see what works best, but I am
really pleased so far. Backing up my name list to another card or to the
desktop does not allow me to see what information actually transferred in the
backup. The security of being able to review the "backup" information in
Outlook is most helpful.

Someone on the list replied to my post about getting a message that the "Com
port was unavailable or in use" bysuggesting that I close NCU before
attempting to use Outlink. Good advice, thank you, and it solved the

Thank you all for the good information and advice posted here. Hope this
information helps some of you.
Kim Tardie
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