Re: NTLK Dongle Anxiety

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Sat May 06 2000 - 11:00:25 CDT

"Paul G. Grothaus" wrote:

> >except on the one or two packages that don't support AppleTalk
> >
> >Never met one so far, thought that the protocol just had to be
> >supported by both sides and that the actual packages don't
> > have a say in the matter, so I'm curious which ones.
> Actually there are a bunch of apps that don't support Appletalk. Some of these are: Revelar Connection Utilities 2.5, Newtnotes, Leverage. There is supposedly an Appletalk version of Exchange, the connection utility for PocketMoney, on Catamount's site. I've downloaded it (twice!) and can't get it to work over ethertalk or localtalk. I haven't gotten around to asking Hardy how to fix it.
> I would like to know if there is a way to add Appletalk support to any of these programs? After all, isn't Appletalk support a built-in part of both NOS & MacOS?

I'm routinely using an AppleTalk version of Exchange with an AppleTalk version of WildCat. I could upload them to my website and let you know if you want. Just email-me at <>.

It's working very well on Ethernet with my Farallon card over my B&W G3.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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