Re: RE: RE: NTLK Newton dead...

From: Kenny Song (
Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 08:55:06 CDT

On Tue, 23 May 2000 Josh Burker wrote:

>When I bought my used MP2K, it had the cage, so I suspect that it had
>always used the cage. I believe Kenny Song posted a while ago about how
>the cage can affect the "pins" that make contact with the rechargeable
>battery- Kenny, could you please clarify exactly what the issue is, if you
Nope, not me. I did post about the need to clean the contacts of new rechargeable batteries. They can power the Newton but may not accept a charge because of poor contact. In such cases, you may use your Newton to a point where the discharge is so deep your Newton goes into a "Coma". But it still contain enough charge to keep the Newton in sleep mode but not enough to wake it. Removing ALL batteries and letting it sit will remove this state held by the Newton.

Kenny Song
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