NTLK This Old Newt June Update

From: ThisOlNewt@aol.com
Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 11:07:03 CDT

This month we feature an interview perfectly timed with the beginning of
little league and recreational softball season. An interview with Sam at
Tropical Software. Developer of Newton Score Card for Baseball and Softball.

As always the latest updates to the Newton FAQ

The Son of Ultimate Newton Links page has a bunch of new additions.

Quarterly Update to the Used Price Guide.

New Vendors in the Newton Mall.

The first installment of "Life with Newton as a sole computer"

Sign up for the Emergency Newton Mail list.

We are looking for help in weeding dead links from the webring and the Links
page. If you can help send a note to us with HELPER in the subject.

And we have another Dell Crosswords game to give away.

Keep the Green™
This Old Newt
The Online Newton Monthly,
Home of the NewtonWebRing, Interviews, Used Price Guide, FAQ, and the Largest
set of active Newton links!
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