Re: NTLK Need Newt's Cape advice.

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 14:43:07 CDT

On Wed, May 31 2000 Loren Finkelstein wrote:

Any thoughts? I could split the book into several smaller books. I have
done this in the past, but when I had the smaller books created, and I tried
to recombine them back into one (With Newt's Cape) it would die again.

I had the same problem when I was trying to make a Newton book of the Jargon File. Basicially, either Newt's Cape or Newtpaek is running out of memory, probably because it's not writing to flash often enough.

You'll probably hove to look into using Bookmaker.

Victor Rehorst - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - -
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