Re: NTLK Which E-Mail Program?

From: Ivan Shaw (
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 08:59:01 CDT

At 09:44 AM 8/4/00 -0400, C.W. Ross wrote:
>I have a few questions. First off: Which is the best email program to use on
>my Newton 130?

SimpleMail. 3.3 will definitely fit on the machine; you may be able to
shoehorn 4.0, depending on what else is stored on the machine. If you don't
like SimpleMail, Eudora Lite 1.1 is another alternative.

>Secondly, how do I get "E-Mail" to appear in the routing button?

Install a mail transport. Note: you also have to install NIE 1.1 (should be
put on first).

Ivan T. Shaw, PhD

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