RE: NTLK Oh for heavens sake (Was : Very, very long (was: Softwar e piracy))

From: Bradley Smith (
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 10:00:13 CDT

> BUT!
> Like Frank, I myself am dependent on intellectual property
> (copyright) law

Totally agree. There will always be pirates and discussions about this it's
just that this is a Newton discussion group and it seems that every time
someone says "do you know where I can download <insert name of software
supplied with Newton device here>" someone brings up whether you can legally
get it or not.

> I have instructions on how to crack open an MP2x00 somewhere
> on my harddrive
> at home, I'll email 'em to you.
> I'm quite sure I posted them on's message boards
> a while ago,
> but I can't seem to find them?

Thanks very much.

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