Re: NTLK The Mistry of Apple Products (was HWR and inet / chat pkgs)

From: Thomas E. Hart (
Date: Sun Aug 06 2000 - 08:32:29 CDT

Dear Khaled,
    I don't actually think that there is a Mac user, alive or dead, that
switched out of choice. The dark days of Apple's worst marketing
strategies were fraught with frustrated users claiming that if Apple
wanted to sell products all they had to do was video tape a bunch of
frustrated users having this conversation and they would make a fortune.
Now I know that Jobs take a lot of flack from time to time, but I
remember when the best game on the mac was a little time waster called
Shuffle puck. When Jobs came back, or moved back in, as the case may be,
things turned around, and the Newton was the first casualty. I also
realize that the speculation about an Apple PDA can run pretty high on
the list, but like Aristotle said "what is impossible is what has never
happened, and what is possible is what has." Apple resurrected its OS
and I figure they will do the same with their product line.


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