Re: NTLK NPDS Tracker

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 15:26:19 CDT

On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Filmer, Paul E wrote:

> Does anyone know how long the NPDS tracker at
> has been down? I've been travelling for
> the last few weeks, and I'm trying to interpret my hit statistics...

Matt Vaughn has started running the Java tracker server that I've been
developing. It doesn't use tracker.cgi anymore. If you just visit it will redirect you to the new list.

> Victor, are you still running a tracker? I couldn't find it on

My tracker is running at and the list can be
viewed at

I'm working on my Tracker server right now and hopefully sometime today I'll
have my tracker sharing entries with Matt's tracker server.

Victor Rehorst - |
Secretary, CASU & CPES College Governments, University of Guelph, Canada
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