NTLK Re: Is it Apple MessagePad or Newton MessagePad?

From: Stainless Steel Rat (ratinox@peorth.gweep.net)
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 13:31:41 CDT

* Loren Finkelstein <Loren@Finkelstein.Net> on Wed, 09 Aug 2000
| The hardware is called the Apple Messagepad

"MessagePad" (the studly-caps are part of the trademark)

| The OS is called Newton OS.

Originally "Newton Intelligence"

Rat <ratinox@peorth.gweep.net>    \ Warning: pregnant women, the elderly, and
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ children under 10 should avoid prolonged
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ exposure to Happy Fun Ball.

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