NTLK Newton Wireless - FINALLY

From: Mark Rollins (mark@mrollins.com)
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 20:51:12 CDT

I'll follow up with a longer detailed post, on how to set this up.
Thanks to previous posts from another Newton poster (J Bond), I am
on-line, and sending and receiving e-mail, and browsing wirelessly.
Equipment - Novatel Merlin http://www.novatelwireless.com/pcproducts/merlin.html
Speed - 19.5k - it's okay, especially with text only sites.
Service - GoAmerica - $60/mo unlimited, modem is available from them
"used" for $100 (mine was a mint, never used customer return). http://www.goamerica.net/
Coverage - decent, major metropolitan, expanding daily. http://www.novatelwireless.com/coverage/index.htm
Battery life - very good. 1.5+ hours with Apple rechargeable, 3+ with
alkaline, 6+ with lithium.
Note - There was a potential for flash memory card corruption (as
reported by J Bond). I now do the following, but have had no hint of a
problem for the past 10 days.
1) back up internal store to main memory card.
2) eject main memory card, insert 4 MB card (5 volt/5 volt) with Simple
Mail, SketchMail for SimpleMail, NewtsCape and Hemlock.
3) insert Merlin
4) do whatever (send, receive, browse).
It's what I've waited for since hooking up the OMP to an external modem
to a Motorola adapter to a Moto cell phone.
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