NTLK Internet Movie Database ebook Easter Egg

From: Tom Sheppard (TSheppard@home.com)
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 23:53:19 CDT

Calvin Grier was the first person to report the Easter Egg I had buried
in my Internet Movie Database ebook for the last two years. Calvin had to
wade through over 1600 movies to find the Easter Egg.

Here's the text for the very few ;-) of you who haven't downloaded the
2.6 MB book:

  Title: Steved (1998)
Country: Canada
 Rating: 10.0
  Votes: 1
  Genre: Horror

Plot Description Author: Tom Sheppard <tsheppard@home.com>
Plot Description:
     The true story of superior technology cut down in its prime by a
cost-cutting CEO. The battle to keep the technology viable is fought hard
by its supporters, but all is for naught. Nothing can sway this man from
depriving the world of a device which is years ahead of its time. Support
has fallen faster than Newton's apple. Inferior "weenies" multiply
unchecked and threaten to consume the world. A spectacle that would make
your palm's sweat. But wait, has this CEO got something up his mock
turtleneck? Will he release an even greater technology which will
transmogrify the hordes of weenies into landfill? Will anybody trust him
enough to buy it? Only time will tell, but time is running out...

Director: Sheppard, Tom
  Actors: Sheppard, Tom as abandoned user

And, for the folks familiar with Book Maker, the content item name for
advancing to this movie had an internal name of "6662K0".

Well Calvin, I think you've earned the right to create the next Easter
Egg. Let me know if you accept this assignment and reply to me privately.


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