Re: NTLK Farallon Newton EtherWave Adapter

From: Newton Links (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 14:49:27 CDT

Now I understand. Peter Apockotos, the original post, was using a adapter,
not a Ethernet card.

Excellent idea Victor. Your reply sure gave me the "Big Picture"! Me things
that part of the problem, for me anyway, is that when I see "EtherWave" I
think "Ethernet Card".

Thanks guys!

Keith Russo

Victor Rehorst wrote:
> Ethernet cards can be used for two purposes: establishing an AppleTalk link
> or a TCP/IP link. Appletalk is handled by routines within the 2.x ROMs.
> TCP/IP is handled by Newton Internet Enabler (NIE). The two cross over in
> only one way: they both require that the proper driver be installed for the
> Ethernet card. Other than this, the two connections are *totally* seperate:
> they share no code whatsoever.

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