Re: NTLK NiMH Battery Packs no longer available

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 08:45:37 CDT

Robert Benschop wrote:
> on 15-08-2000 5:03, Hans Johnson at wrote:
> > I just tried to get myself a Newton NiMH Battery pack as an Apple
> > Service Part. They are aparantly no longer available.
> If you're a bit of a handyman you could check
> > As such, I am thinking of just getting myself 4 AA sized NiMH
> > batteries for use in my Newton. Now, I've heard that there is a patch
> > for the Newton that will allow it to charge NiMH Batteries in it,
> > even without the real pack, and will also cause it to show the
> > correct charge. Does anyone know what it is called?
> Nick's SoftCharge, you'll find it at the same URL, check out some of his
> other packages as well (couldn't live through the summer without Nick's
> AutoLCD)

Just to clarify, SoftCharge *won't* let you recharge batteries in your
Newton, except if you're using the Apple's NiMH rechargeable pack or a
modified battery holder (but then, you don't need SoftCharge for this).
There is some hardware here that no software can change. What SoftCharge
lets you do is to select the proper battery type you have and then get a
more accurate report on the charge remaining, etc.

Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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