NTLK Cadenza syncs over Ethernet

From: Ivan Shaw (ishaw@sympatico.ca)
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 16:42:38 CDT

I'm not quite sure why this now works, but after restoring my network, I
can now get Cadenza to sync the Newt over Ethernet (Mac users can stop
yawning now). This still doesn't help Windows users with package loading
(NCU, X-Port), export (NCU, X-Port or BinHexer) and backup, but sync'ing
names, to-dos and meetings went from an hour over serial to 3 minutes over

Makes me want to fork over money to purchase a G4 PowerMac exclusively for
Ethernet use with the Newton.

Ivan T. Shaw, PhD

http://www3.sympatico.ca/ishaw http://www.ivanshaw.com

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