Hey, Everyone! Here's NEWTONOZ ITEMS X (that's v.10, for those not using
THIS IS THE LAST VOLUME OF NEWTONOZ ITEMS! (not including minor updates)
Yes, unfortunately, it's true; it's the end of NewtonOz as we all know
it. Beginning sometime in October, NewtonOz will temporarily discontinue
support and sales of all Apple and third-party Newton products. We will
resume sales of Newton parts when we settle down in our new business, but
in a vastly reduced form, and it will no longer be the center of our
business, nor will the business be called NewtonOz. We are refocusing our
lineup to fit within another industry, since Apple doesn't seem to want
to be in the PDA market in the near future. We don't want to sell any of
the current or recently announced PDAs, because as we all know, even
today, the NewtonOS is the greatest, most usable handheld operating
system--even 2 years after the death of the Newton division at Apple.
What it comes down to is the fact that we can no longer rely on Apple to
provide us with new parts, and since NEW parts make up the majority of
our sales, that puts us in a bad spot. Without a reliable source of parts
and accessories, it would be very hard for us to maintain even a minimal
break even point.
Therefore, we at NewtonOz issue this final version of NewtonOz. We do so
with heavy hearts, as we have come to know some of you very well over the
course of our Newton business.
I'd like to thank everyone for all of the support they have given
NewtonOz over the past 1 1/2 years of operation. Hopefully, we'll all be
using an Apple designed handheld OS in the future.
Newton Forever! Keep AND TREASURE the Green!
of NewtonOz
BTW: You had better get the following parts now, while you can!
- eMate 300 Battery (Apple brand, factory new)
- 9W Newton Universal AC Adapter (Apple brand, factory new)
- Newton Interconnect Serial Adapter/Dongle
Prices go up on these items beginning September 10:
- the above listed items
- ALL Styli/Newton Pens
- eMate NuShields
New Prices and Items effective 8/14/2000
We have changed our hours to better serve you during our Newton product
Monday - 11AM to 4PM
Tuesday through Thursday - CLOSED
Friday - 5PM to 11PM
Saturday 8AM to 1PM
Sunday 7PM to 11PM
EXCEPTION: Friday, August 13, 2000 - CLOSED
ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD TIME! Hours are subject to change.
A simple web catalog will appear at
http://homepage.mac.com/newtonoz/newtonoz/ within a few days. The prices
posted on the web page supercede prices listed in this text file. Order
while the prices are low!
Call us at NewtonOz Headquarters! (818) 781-1009 [this is a U.S. phone
Fax is available at (818) 781-1009 during NON-OPERATOR HOURS. You may use
or download a PDF version of our order form at
<http://homepage.mac.com/newtonoz/newtonoz/order.pdf>. Please include
your credit card and shipping address with fax orders.
We are no longer accepting check or money orders for payment. Payments
must be made by credit card, cash, or wire transfer.
We will begin accepting reasonable offers for quantity purchases of all
merchandise listed. Give us a call for more information
--Styli/Writing Utensils
NEWTON 110/120/130 TELESCOPING STYLUS - $14.49 New
NEWTON 2X00 STYLUS - $15.25 new
NEWTON eMATE STYLUS - $10.00 new
NEWTON 100/OMP STYLUS - $2.25 new
--Newton Power: Cells & More
NEWTON 9W AC ADAPTER - $29.59 New, $25.48 Used
- Australia Converter $6.98
- Europe Converter $3.98
- U.K. Converter $6.98
--All three converters for $17.52
110, 120, 130 RECHARGABLE BATTERY (Apple) - no longer available, ALL
eMATE RECHARGEABLE BATTERY (Apple) - $63.92 new [constrained availability]
2X00 RECHARGEABLE BATTERY (Apple) - no longer available new, ALL
PRE-ORDERS CANCELLED - $15.48 Used (as-is, tested)
2x00 Alkaline Battery Cage - $59.87 (extremely constrained supply)
OMP/100 Alkaline Battery Cage - $8.54
--Doors / Lids / Covers / Lenses
2X00 FRONT DOOR - $45.50 new
110/120/130 BACK DOOR - $6.99 new
110/120/130 FRONT DOOR - $15.00 new
RUBBER I/O COVER 110/120/130 - $2.50 new
Red IR Lens for 130 Series - $3.00 new
Red IR Lens for eMate 300 Series - $9.00 new
Dummy Card Holders - $7.00 new or used
These are the "fake" cards that are used to keep dust and foreign objects
away from the inside of your MessagePad's PC Card slot (not necessary on
an eMate). We have both the square head and tapered head versions. The
2x00 series can use both, the 1x0 series should use the square head. If
you do not specify, we will choose for you.
Brand New Newton Keyboard
Apple describes these as "The fastest way to enter information into your
Newton". Believe it! When you are working on lots of eMail, or you are on
the road working from your lap, a keyboard is indispensible! And at this
golden deal, you can't pass it up! These keyboards are repackaged in
NewtonOz packaging, but they are new. Newton Interconnect is not included
-- required for use with a 2000 series Newton. [limited supply]
Regular Price - $48.00 new, $42.00 used
Apple Nylon Case
These are the standard Nylon case for Keyboard and MessagePad. If you
need an inexpensive case, this is the one. Holds the Newt, keyboard, PC
Cards, Extra Stylus, and Interconnect. It even has a cute sewn on Newton
Logo on the front. Specifically made for Newton 2000, but a Newton 1x0
would fit in there as well.
$40.00 new, $14.00 used (but almost new), $8 as-is version
CHARGING BASE FOR 110/120/130 - $80.00
MegaHertz 14.4 PC Card Fax/Data Modem - $20.95 [limited supply]
If you travel with your Newt, you can stay connected with a portable,
light weight, low power X-Jack modem, such as the MegaHertz XJ1144. And,
if you lose it, you can always get another at this low price!
Apple Newton External Fax/Data Modem (black) - $24.92 used [extremely
limited supply]
This is the famous "Cigarette Pack" modem of old school Newton
connectivity. It works just great with all Newtons, and is fully
supported by all NewtonOS versions. Transmits data and fax at 2400 baud,
and can work with a standard AC Adapter (not included) or with two AA
batteries (not included) when you're on the road.
NEWTON INTERCONNECT - $19.89 New [very limited supply--remember, you
can't live without it]
Also known as "those 'dongles'", these are the lovely little adapters
that you need to connect a 2000 or 2100 to an external modem, to your
computer, or to a Newton keyboard...
This is the cable package that you need to connect to most Parallel
printers! Get one if you visit places that have lots of different kinds
of printers...
NEWTON TO PC CABLE (DB-25 & DB-9) - $21.06 New, $19.06 (DB-9 only) New
--NewtonOz brand NuShield Value Paks
Don't have a NuShield on your Newt? Don't run your Newton Naked!
NuShields protect your screen by becoming an invisible barrier over your
screen which protects against scratches. Each NuShield lasts one to three
months, depending on usage and care. Get the NuShield package that best
fits your Newton! Try out a single NuShield with our SinglePak or the
Newton RoadWarrior Package!
[NuShields are backordered, order now to guarantee availability]
NuShield for 2000 Series MessagePads - No longer available
NuShield for 110, 120, 130 MessagePads - No longer available
NuShield for eMate 300
Singlepak - $10.00
Dualpak - $18.42
Newton Nylon Case - $40.00 new, $14.00 used (but almost new), $8 as-is
These are the standard Nylon case for Keyboard and MessagePad. If you
need an inexpensive case, this is the one. Holds the Newt, keyboard, PC
Cards, Extra Stylus, and Interconnect. It even has a cute sewn on Newton
Logo on the front.
Newton 110/120/130 Leather Organizer Case - $58.00 [limited supply]
This is the bookstyle case that everyone loves... made for Newton, it
carries your checkbook, Newton, PC Cards, Business cards, small papers,
and has a pocket for a cell phone... whatever you would carry in an
organizer. Looks great, and a great price.
WetSuit 1.0 for eMate 300 - $24.95 [RENEWED SUPPLY, but LIMITED!]
These cases are GREAT for the eMate! They fit great, and have a large
pocket for an AC Adapter, PC Cards, or other accessories that you would
bring with your eMate.
Newton 110/120/130 Basic Apple Leather Case (LC) - $39.92
This is a leather case that is meant to protect a 100, 110, 120, or 130
during travels. It has a Newton Logo on the front, and a zippered
closure. It's a slipcase.
--Memory and Upgrades
Faster memory access via a 32-bit bus, and increased heap and internal
storage space... can you believe it? These quality modules are by
NewerRAM. NewtonOz Items is an authorized NewerRAM memory vendor. eM@il
NewtonOz for your Macintosh and Newton memory module needs!
Linear 24M Cards, used only for a month or two on internal NewtonOz
newtons for testing. 10 day warranty.
Pretec brand - $210.00 (very few left)
MTec brand - $180.00 (just a few left)
BTW: 5v/12v memory cards are usable in any Newt but eMate 300. 5v/5v
memory cards can be used in any Newton.
OMP/100/110/120 (1.x) MessagePads are limited to 4M cards... officially,
--Software (make offer for these, more titles listed soon)
Mac or Win Disks, most new or open/no box new, ask your NewtonOz
representative for details.
X-Port 2.0
Mahjongg Solitare (PowerMedia/Scrawl)
AvailWorks 3.0 (PelicanWare)
Columbo's Mystery Capers
QuickNames Pro
Pocket Quicken 1.2
Pocket Quicken 1.0
Iambic PaperPak
NetHopper 2.1
Digital Gourmet
Lunar Lander Pro
QuickFigure Pro
More software is available! Talk to your NewtonOz representative about
titles that are
not listed here.
--NewtonOz CD Series
bukCD 1.0 - will be posted on a future site for free... ask your NewtonOz
Representative for details. All pre-orders for bukCD 1.5 are cancelled.
NewtonOz eMate 300 Bundle - $379.49 BRAND NEW
- availability: NOW... ORDER NOW!
- brand new eMate 300 PDA with NewtonOS 2.1
- all manuals included in electronic form
- Teacher's Instruction Manual included
- NewtonWorks (word processor, draw, spreadsheet)
- Newton Connection Utilities
- Newton Press 1.0
- eMate Classroom Exchange
- NetHopper 3.0
- NIE 1.1
- 24 Hour NiMH Rechargable Battery
- eMate stylus
- Newton 9w AC Adapter
- free NewtonOz eM@il tech support
This batch of eMates is the very last batch of brand new Newtons that
Apple had after recalling them from all worldwide subsidiaries, so after
we completely run out, there will be no more brand new eMates ANYWHERE in
the world.
Most of these items are refurbished, or used. When they are gone, they're
PowerBook 150 12/120 - Make Offer
PowerBook 100 - Make Offer
PowerBook 145b - Make Offer
Macintosh Classic 4/40 - Make Offer
Macintosh Classic II 4/80 - Make Offer
Macintosh Quadra 630 12/500, AV, Ethernet - Make Offer
Apple II Monitor (green) NEW in box - Make Offer
NEW PowerBook 1x0 series Battery Stand/Charger - Make Offer
LaserWriter IINTX motherboard with 1M RAM - $15.00 or Make Offer
-Newton to Mac Cable - Platinum (Apple or Generic, our choice)
-Peripheral 8 Mac to Peripheral Cable - Platinum (limit one per order)
(Apple or Generic, our choice)
$2.00 NEW
----There is NO minimum order amount! There is no credit card surcharge!
If you don't see an item here, we take special requests, and we'll still do our best to get you the best price on rare Newton Items. We are no longer accepting Newtons for resale.
eMail to:
with the subject NEWTONOZ SALES to place an order or make an inquiry!
Due to our overwhelming volume of eM@il orders, we request that you *FAX* US for speedier service.
Call us at NewtonOz Headquarters at (818) 781-1009 [this is a U.S. phone number]
Fax is available at (818) 781-1009 during NON-OPERATOR HOURS (CLOSED). You may use or download a PDF version of our order form at <http://homepage.mac.com/newtonoz/newtonoz/order.pdf> for 24 hour ordering. Please include your credit card and shipping/billing address with fax orders.
Monday - 11AM to 4PM Tuesday through Thursday - CLOSED Friday - 5PM to 11PM Saturday 8AM to 1PM Sunday 7PM to 11PM
EXCEPTION: Friday, August 13, 2000 - CLOSED
ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD TIME! Hours are subject to change.
(BTW: Please expect a 2 DAY delay in response via eM@il. WE RECOMMEND FAXING FOR QUICKER RESPONSE AND ORDERING!)
NewtonOz reserves the right to change prices at any time via posting on the site <http://homepage.mac.com/newtonoz/newtonoz/>. Changes to the listed site affect all quotes that are not paid and completed. To lock your price, we recommend paying by credit card.
NewtonOz is not responsible for typographical errors. To verify price, eM@il or call us!
-The Folks at NewtonOz
NewtonOz, NewtonOz Items, NewtonOz Sales and the "skewed circle N" are trademarks of NewtonOz/Gameporium. Apple, Newton, MessagePad, eMate, and other Apple brand designations are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc., other trademarks belong to their respective companies and individuals.
To join NewtonTalk, or to find out information, visit http://www.newtontalk.com at Planet Newton for details!
NewtonOz's FAVORITE site is "This Ol' Newt", home of:
- "Son of ULTIMATE Newton Links Page" - one of the largest active Newton link sites we've ever seen - "Newton WebRing" - hosts of the webring dedicated to our favorite PDA - "Newton Used Price Guide" - Check out the Used Price Guide before you buy used Newton parts Many interviews, articles, and features... updated frequently! It's a must visit for you and your Newt! THIS OL' NEWT http://members.aol.com/thisolnewt "Keep the Green"
NewtonOz's FAVORITE NEWTON NEWS site is "Info-Newt"!
- Frequent Newton News and Event Information - Software Archive - Links to other Newton sites
\\ /, `( Info-Newt http://www.info-newt.com/ \ = Support Newton! -- INK DIFFERENT
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This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Fri Sep 01 2000 - 00:00:13 CDT