RE: NTLK Re: Will using AC lenghten NiMH pack's lifespan?

From: Bradley Smith (
Date: Thu Aug 24 2000 - 11:03:59 CDT

The FAQ states, and I quote:-

1. "The problem with the modern NiCd battery is not so much the cyclic
memory but the effects of crystalline formation."

2. "When the *memory phenomenon* occurs, the crystals grow and drastically
reduce the surface area."


3. "The effects of crystalline formation are most pronounced if a NiCd
battery is left in the charger for days, or is repeatedly recharged without
a periodic full discharge."

> If you think it is happening, then what has really happened is that the
> are worn or damaged.

yes, agreed. They are worn or damaged because you recharged them before they
were fully discharged and thus you are experiencing a memory effect.
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