Re: NTLK Default Style

From: Kenny Song (
Date: Sat Aug 26 2000 - 11:04:09 CDT

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000 P&M Consulting wrote:

>>OK, don't laugh.
>haha. ;-)
>>This is a genuine novice question.
>Yes. Is it in the manual? Maybe we could add it to the FAQ.
>>How do I specify the Newton's default text style?
>The default font is set by setting the font (in the styles app or
>anything else - well I shouldn't have said that, actually no other
>application I know would allow that) when nothing is selected.
>Usually in the Notes, I tap the dividing bar to unselect everything
>and then I change the font.
You are laughing Paul.:-( But I got you thinking huh!?! Who knows, when you come out with the patch, I'll have the last laugh yet.;-p

Kenny Song
<Sent with Newton MP2100/SimpleMail/4.1.2>
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