Hey Zac,
How's that "Palm Emulator for Newton" coming along? You spearheaded *that*
project over 5 months ago and we have yet to hear anything about your
progress or any more requests for help on it.
I fear that since you have now spearheaded the "Newton Aluminium Case
Project", it may suffer the same fate -- eternal vaporware.
Please prove me wrong but I am sceptical for a few reasons...
1. Dave Ruigh is the only person listed as "owner" on the dave design
2. If a Newton case, as you say, "...will cost around 100-200 we are
trying to drop the price to
around 50", why is *your* company selling the Palm cases for $250? If you
can sell a $250 case to someone with a $200 device then I would assume you
should be able to sell a $500 case to a Newton user with $400 device.
3. The Palm case is infinitely simpler from a complexity and construction
point of view than the Newton case so how can you afford to sell it so
much cheaper than the Palm case?
4. Venture Capitalists usually want to spend their money on
"high-risk/high-return" endeavours but based on the smaller (and getting
smaller daily) installed base of the Newton, I only see the "high-risk".
Please prove me wrong since I would gladly pay $100 for an aluminium case
for my MP2100...
Heck, I might even pay for the shipping myself!
ZACINCCEO@aol.com writes:
>Here is an update I am the co-owner of dave design, we just have a
>call with each other and have desided to make the newton case but it will
>a little while it is very expensive to do so we are getting a VC Venture
>Capatilist to investmoney for another machine and more help so we can do
>I would assume it will cost around 100-200 we are trying to drop the
>price to
>around 50 but it will be VERY Hard any questions email me at
>ZACINCCEO@aol.com we should have a prototype up in october or november.
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