Thanks for the enthusiasm Ray.
Basically I use notes on my Newton and I use notes on my PC and I want them
in synch.
LookOut and OutLink don't do this, Lookout is dead and OutLink might as well
Anyway, I haven't got a clue when it comes to programming the Newt (but hey,
who needs to when Steve Weyer is around :-) ) but I've been programming PCs
for years so I thought if I left the Newt side of things to Sloup ( I'll
need tom check out what it's capabilities are ) and just wrote some VB or
VC++ app that let you send things both ways then I should end up with what I
I'll make the source code available as well so people can add their own
features if they want to.
>Please let me know what your plans are, and maybe we can divide and
>Ray Olson
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