Re: NTLK password woes

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 23:08:34 EST

On 2/26/2000 3:03 PM, Arnie Lerner []

>I'm going to ask this one again as there didn'st seem to be a satisfactory
>I downloaded NCU for windows and installed it successfully.
>But when i run NCU from the desktop on my PC, it asks for a password.

Where did you download it from? This may seem like a silly questions
but....are you sure that you're not running an password-protected
self-extracting archive?

>i never entered a password.

Has anyone else uses your machine before you (perhaps they had a Newton?)
or have you used NCU before on your machine? Perhaps it's a leftover
from a previous user/use of NCU?

>When I go to settings, and try to set up a new password, regardless of
>what i put in the old password box (blank or any of the passwords I
>generally use), i get an invalid old password message

This was why I asked if someone had used your machine before you did or
you had NCU in the sounds like the old preferences/registry
stuff is there and it's getting the password from that.

I'd forgotten NCU had a password option and I'm not sure what it's for.
My Newton has a password (PIN) set and it asks me once a day, but NCU
never asks me for that.

>how can i work around this or delete what is evidently a password that i
>never entered?

Well, if this were a Mac I'd tell you to pitch the NCU Prefs file(s) from
the Preferences folder in the System folder and throw away NCU's folder
from your hard disk, then reinstall and that would fix it.

But since this is a PC, who knows where it installs DLL and data/prefs
files and other stuff, especially preference related things like the
password. Perhaps it's something in the Registry? I can't help you
there; I stay as far away from editing the registry as I can. The
registry has got to be the most STUPID thing the folks who created
Windows ever did.

I'll be curious to see what solves your problem! Be sure and let us all
know if you get it fixed and what you did.

 - Bill

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