Subject: Re: NTLK Re: NCU and 9.04 problem

From: Don Levick, M.D. (
Date: Sat Jul 15 2000 - 08:55:09 CDT

I'm having a similar problem. I can make the serial connection from my
UMP2000 through a serial adapter to my G4. The backup begins, and the
internal memory is backed up, but during the backup of my 12MB RAM card, I
receive an error message that the communication was broken by the host
computer. I have increased the memory allocation to NCU to 24,000, but it
still happens. Any ideas or suggestions??

> I'm having the same problem. I downloaded NCU 1.0 and reinstalled on a hd with
> 9.04. I can make a backup every time but attempts to synch to Claris organiser
> 2.0 crash NCU with a -1
> error. This appears to happen only on backing up Dates, not names and notebook
> and to-do. It is, of course, dates that i need most. Are there any other
> suggestions??

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