NTLK Newton Palm emulator

From: Lairson, David L (David.Lairson@nav-international.com)
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 17:13:24 EST

I have a few technical questions about the newton that i cannot find an
answer to. I'm looking into making an emulator for the palm on the newton.
does anyone know what type of processor the newton uses? The palms use an
off shoot of the original 068 mac processor. Also does anyone know if the c
libraries for the newton (from the newton c++ NTK) are the same, or close to
the libraries for the mac? if they are, a port to a NOS 2.x would be
relatively easy, if not it is a hell of a lot of work.

David L. Lairson
NIO Helpdesk
International Truck and Engine Group
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