Re: NTLK open-source NCU - letter/petition

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 19:21:05 EST

On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Jim Witte wrote:

> Hello,
> I've finally gotten around to drafting a letter to Puma Technology
> concerning the possility of making NCU open-source, considering its
> (near certain) incompatibility with MacOS X. Any suggestions as for
> additions to the letter before I send it?

That sounds like a nice idea Jim... although personally I don't think it's
worth working on Puma - they still make much money from IntelliSync, and
seriously doubt they would ever think of opening it up.

That being said, it would be nice if you would represent the PC NCU users
as well. Maybe something about extending NCU and improving its stability
under Win32 platforms (Win95/8/NT/2000)

I personally think that a user-written full sync program is very close at
hand - NewtonLink. While currently only running under Linux, it is
written completely in Perl and Tcl/Tk, two scripting languages that exist
under UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh. I think if the Windows and Mac
communities start to port and contribute to NewtonLink, we could have a
very robust, cross-platform sync/export/import/backup solution.

That's my $0.02 Canadian. Which, at today's prices, would buy me about
1/30 of a litre of gasoline. Ouch.

-----Victor Rehorst - |
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