Re: NTLK OTHER - Aladin Air X interface with the Newton (Scuba Divers will know what I mean)

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 02:05:07 EST

You know, there was a Newton OEMer that created a
Newton called the Tarpon. This ruggidized newton was
waterproof and designed for underwater survey work. I
believe that it was a Newton 120...I only had it in my
posession for a week and that was with a pre-beta
model...(which means that it didn't work yet) They had
a bunch of "dive" software for this device and touted
it's versatility extensivly...Sorry I can't remember
who did the Tarpon...Again, I think the company
started with a "p"...
Good Luck...anyone here remember this beast?
web/gadget guru

--- Theo Starr <> wrote:
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> Hello Everybody
> I have a small question to the Newton Users who are
> Scuba Divers, own an Aladin Air-X Dive Computer or
> some other downloadable dive computer and have
> interfaced that Air-X with their Newton to download
> the data or their logfile for storage until they
> find a machine (which is a DOS/Win95-98 based..mmmm)
> to then evaluate their dive and profile... etc etc
> The file itself (I think) is de-limited text and is
> in a DOS format 8.3 - eg xxxxxxxx.zzz
> The file is then processed with the software to show
> the dive profile, date, time, nitrogen absorbed etc
> etc
> Processing is not an issue but download and storage
> is.
> At present I use a (386-Dos) Laptop but I am
> travelling and diving around the South Pacific in
> June and it will be easier to use the Newton to
> download and store the files until I get back home.
> Regards
> Theo Starr
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