Re: NTLK dumb adapter question - Hey OZ!

From: Gary Moody (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 19:28:05 EST

Hi Brian,


I'm sorry, where were we, Oh yes, power adapters.

You're *very* lucky if you haven't yet broiled your Newton with a power
adapter that outputs 10.8 volts (AC!?). WOW!

Take the power adapter you have and...well I guess you really want your
money back from Wal Mart, so go do that.

Now, call Oz at (818) 781 1009. His hours are 7PM to 11:30PM Pacific
Standard Time - Sunday through Thursday, and 8AM to 12:00PM Pacific Standard
Time on Fridays.

Tell him that you need the cheapest old-style Newton charger he's got.
He'll hook you up.

If you don't know (and I mean *exactly*) what you need or what you have from
a power supply standpoint, you run a *high* risk of having a rather
expensive paperweight. Better to spend a _little_ more for the right
adapter and be happy than spend a _little_ less and end up with nothing.

Frank Gruendel gives occasional lectures in NewtonTalk on the dos and don'ts
of battery and power adapter usage; He's our resident "Power" guru. Based
on what I've learned from Frank (as well as the horror stories told by
others on this list who used the "wrong" adapter), the peace of mind from
using the "right" one can't be beat.

Call Oz. He's a good guy and will try to help, even with a limited budget.
Good Luck!



----Original Message Follows----
From: brd <>
To: newtontalk <>
Subject: NTLK dumb adapter question
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 17:51:15 -0600

Okay, I just got my MP120 on thursday, but it did not come with an adapter.
I saw a post somewhere describing a 600mA universal adapter at walmart. I
bought that last night. There are 2 potential tips that could fit in the

I'm using Nicad rechargeables in it right now. I've read the posts saying
how if you put a piece of cardboard in the battery compartment to push the
little recharge button, the newton will recharge them. I haven't tried this

What I have tried (and here comes the dumb question) is with no batteries in
plugging in the adapter (set to 7.5v) to the newton. The tip is set for
polarity, but the newton will not turn on. Is the adapter just to recharge
the batteries, and won't power the newton without them, or is something

Also, I noticed when I tested the tip with my multimeter, it's reading like
10.8V ac when the adapter's set to 7.5! this has me scared, so I haven't
tried it longer than a second or 2.

Yes, I know the best solution is to get an apple adapter, but they're like
$30 (if I could find one), which is 1/3 what I paid for the thing.
Besides, I'd rather buy a flashcard with that money. I also know I should
RTFM, but geez, it's like 400 pages long.

Okay, enough rambling.

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