Re: NTLK ZAC: Palm Emulator Questions

From: Drew Loker (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 23:33:51 EST

>If the guy can't
articulate what he wants to do, how he wants to do it, or the issues faced
(in his opinion and from a technical perspective) in trying to do it, then I
have real reservations about it ever getting done.

That's why I am suggesting that if the task is possible, somebody who can
develop the project should pick it up and run with it. I'll put a lot more
than $50 to a working, supported emulator.

I think it is pretty clear that Zac wants to spear head the project, but
needs the engine to actually get the work done. Sorry Zach...some of Gary's
questions were nobrainers, and easily answered in less than a moment. But I
think we can all give you credit for bringing about some awareness to the
need for such software. It is clear you need some help by those who could
actually pull it off.

Any takers?

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