Dear Michael,
I have been using Newton for quite some time and am still using it, but not
as much since the delectable Psion netBook came into existence. It is
everything the Newton wanted to be, except for the handwriting (which you
can acquire from third party, but is not needed so much because of the truly
exceptional quality of the netBook keyboard).
Therefore I have some experience of entertaining a large database of
contacts and agenda on both platforms. To my $0,002 opinion there is but one
practical solution and that is to synchronize on one program on the
WindHowzze platform. I use the slightly outdated Schedule+. So when
synchronizing the psion I not only do this with Outlook but also with
Schedule+. Then synchronize with the Newton. You have to be carefull not to
end up with two sets of appoitments if you make a mistake though.
Alternatively you could sync with outlink or lookout on the Newton. Not
gotten round to that now, but will try.
-- Nico' s huisadres: | Dr. Nicholas Croon | Max Havelaarlaan 20 | 1183 NE Amstelveen | Telefoon: 0031-20-4415044****************************************** This NewtonTalk Message brought to you by:
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