Fw: NTLK New Apple PDA?

From: mi(c)i (mici@mac.com)
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 15:55:12 EST

naah, apple licenced palm os (as well as sony did), so next thing we might
expect is some (enhanced) palm-like handheld with more mac-friendly
features. palm is more desktop pc companion unlike the newton. probably
clear plastic case and imac colors. i am little skeptical about newton-like
handwriting, just can't imagine on that little screen. i can't think of any
other feature that would make me convert. i will keep the green.

michael vacik

>make another? Most likely, they will make a MAC CE or something. I am not
>sure that would be as cool as a Newton. I am hoping that someone will
>create a Newton like replacement. Same Size, same Feel.
>Michael Strange

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