Re: NTLK Re: PowerNote? Joke? New Sub-portable? Old Sub-portable?

From: Josh Burker (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 01:49:36 EDT writes:
>* Ed Kummel <> on Tue, 18 Apr 2000
>| If you look closely at the start-up screen, you will
>| see that it is labled as MacOS, with a progress bar on
>| it...This is an 8.x + feature.
>It is a 7.5.3 or so feature.

OK, let's get it straight for once and for all.

On OS 7.5.5 and lower, you get the smiley Mac (if everything checks out
OK) and then you get the small "Welcome to Macintosh" screen, with the
original "artistic" Mac design. On OS's past 7.0 (and who really runs 7.0
instead of 7.1?) you get the extensions march; that was the big thing
about OS 7, the use of Extentions instead of the old INIT files.

With OS 7.6 you got the original smiley Mac (and it's still here with OS
9.0.4, and you gotta love that Apple's kept that icon around for this
long) leading into the "Splash Screen," with the bigger, newer Mac OS
graphic and the announcement that you're running Mac OS™. This reflects
what we see in the startup screen of this PowerNote.

It's also interesting to note that we do not see this PowerNote computer
in either the "Apple Design: The Work of the Apple Industrial Design
Group Book," which features several Newton prototypes, or the Secret
Newton - Newton Secrets page (for a glimpse of some of the Newton
prototypes, check out the Newton Secret - Secret Newton page):


Josh Burker

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